When is the best time of year to remove trees?

Tree Pruning
There is never a good time to remove a beloved tree!
However, when a tree is dead, damaged, decayed, or otherwise weak, it is best to remove it asap
If your tree has a minor issue, one of the best times to remove it is during the dormant season, winter to early spring.
Because dormant trees are leafless and lighter, a certified arborist can cut and handle the branches much more easy to handle, which can make the job cheaper
However, the cost of removing a tree is determined by a variety of factors. size, location, and needs of your specific tree, not by the time of year.
Always choose a company thаt hаѕ еxреrіеnсе, and саn provide hоnеѕt and accurate іnfоrmаtіоn fоr уоur tree and stump removal.
Book a quote online www.simpsonstrees.com.au or call us today on 03 9438 2238